At some time or the other we have all made a fool of ourselves, we all have done things which where embarrassing, the time when we wanted to run and hide. I have had my share of such moments, two such incidents that I would always remember I share here with you people.
Been a natural sportsman, represented the College in every single game that the College took part in. however never got a chance to play Tennis, although I have been an ardent fan and follow it closely on TV, looks so easy. One day this gal invited a few of us to play tennis at her farmhouse. Even though I had never held a racket I was so excited. Finally we were there 7-8 guys n gals. The game began and it was my turn to show that untapped talent…. time for me to serve. Threw the ball up and came down real hard at it….the way Andy Roddick does it all day….hey where is the ball……is the court a bit small….the ball had sailed over the court….the 12 feet high fence at the back too wasn’t high enough.. it had disappeared somewhere in the tall grass outside……felt so embarrassed, and in front of all those gals……what to hide you know how guys always want to put there best foot forward in front of the other sex…….and here I was making a fool of myself…….
The other incident not too different ..someone dragged me along to a Golf Range while in was in London. You pay and get a basket of balls which u can hit. Again I had never held a club, anyway I put the ball down….this guy gave a few tips……..feet a lil apart….don’t bend that elbow……I was ready …. soo sure that I going to hit this ball real long… now a few guys had gathered there….waiting for there turn……finally i swing ..but the ball hasn’t moved an inch……can’t really believe that…..
Hmmmmm another swing and same result…..shit……...what these guys must be thinking……one more time………the ball still sits there mocking at my plight……wanted to smash it to bits and bury myself ………
How about you people narrating at least one such incident ….i am sure you can say it here…. I promise not to tell any one else : )
lol Jackal hahaha @golf scene...btw IM FIRST woohoo!
Keshi, at 7:21 PM
Well I have had more embarassing moments than sane
one I can never forget is something that happened when I was on my way to the REM concert in Sydney...
We had to park the car and had to walk a fair bit to the entertainment centre...there was a busy intersection and it was our turn to cross the road...all cars stopped waiting for pedestrians to cross. I in my beautiful tights and flashy red top and hair all done...n in high heels...started walking...suddenly I was busy landing on my knees...WOOOOSH BANGGGGG n I just slipped n fell in front of a million cars! I was soooo angry n sad..and felt really!
However that didnt stop me from enjoying the concert...wut a rocker it was!
Keshi, at 7:24 PM
lol. cute stories ;)
i`ve had maybe a hundred embarrassing moments..let me think of something and maybe write a post on it :)
still_figuring_out, at 8:07 PM
Hee hee... You are very STrong...... in tennis, maybe too strong this time round. :) Hugs.
Queen Bee, at 12:06 AM
if I name it , I will have it?
ha ha
Rupa (BNB), at 2:39 AM
was tht all .....u not hiding nything keshi......i mean something like a hunk came along lifted u in his arms : )............. i wonder why all gals keep falling over .....tcc byeee
still figuring out:
when u have figured it out let me know : )
queen bee:
ohh yeah never thought tht way..may be me to strong for tennis : )
hmm be a sport.....u can say i have already promised not to tell ny one else . )
hmm keshi has set the ball now u can begin
Jackal, at 12:10 PM
I mentioned about that long back at keshi's blog.
This was when i newly joined kavita's gym. Made some new friends there, everybody knew some general things about each other. There was this stupid girl, who always used to act smart with everybody, but i used to ignore her mostly. One day we were relaxing after our work-outs and chatting on general things...suddenly this girl came up with the most stupid question i had ever heard in my life...."Raj u live alone, u r not married, u dont hv any gf, how do u cope with the hormunal outburst?" The gals started laughing like idiots, the guys were stunned...and i was so embarassed....
Anonymous, at 8:38 PM
lol nice incidents there. I cherish my first ever embarassing moment. I was in a strict school. And I, of course, always hated rules. I was in my eighth standard, by the way. And I had booked tickets for the noon show that day with a couple of my friends. And I told them, "You guys wait. I'll scale the compound wall. And let you know if it's safe." Saying that, I got on top of the wall and looked down. There was nobody. I told them that it was all clear and that we had nothing to worry about. Saying so, I jumped down and hollered, "Guys! Come on fast."
"Who are you calling out now?" said a voice from behind.
My head-master. :(
The Individualist, at 8:50 PM
oh ho...embarrasing moments...i have like a hundred!!! i seem to embarass myself quiet often!!...there are so many that i dun know wat to write!!...let me think of sumthing less embarassing and then will come back and write:)
teacup, at 10:50 PM was fun reading ur embarassing moments...lolz
there r loads of such moments in ma life and i'm sure i will surely face more of such moments in near future too...coz i'm used to with this.....
umm...which one to write
once i was in culutural programe show...where i had to perfrom typical nepali dance...when the curtain was raised and before the start of a music...i had to show some namastetu steps while i was in the way to do stripe loose out...lolzz and i actually catch the falling stripe wait for teh curtain to fall down.....and again in another outfit had to perform in same stage after some minutes.....seeing smile on their face was more embarassng
Unknown, at 4:41 PM
hahaha tht was like an anil kumble googly which bowled u thru the legs : )............
the individualist:
tht's remind me wht happened at school...we had sneaked out of borading school went to a movie..while come back by rick's..we saw a car some distance away ..was a lil dark.....sometimes couples land up we thought may ask the rik's guy to slow down near the car....but as we got close the car door opened get down u idiots....shit it was the coll principal there ........
make sure u cum back with a nice one : )
hmmmm u shud have just pretended tht it was a part of ur dance dilberatley planned...hahaha tcc byee . )
Lou Vincent the New Zeland cricketer is busy playing he asked me write this comment on his behalf : )
yesterday i was playing against West Indies....fielding near the i fielded the ball n threw it my trouser string broke ...guys u have to see tht picture it was in TOI (sun) pants below the knews and those kids faces in the background : )))
Jackal, at 1:58 AM
**i wonder why all gals keep falling over
ahemm...high heels btw lol!
Keshi, at 4:30 PM
i'm late here:-(...!
ahaa...embarrasing moments! wayyy to many but i have to think of sumthin tht i can mention here rite! lolz..thinkingg of uncensored moments...
there's one quite similar to keshi's and what makes it worse is i have several cousin's to keep reminding me of that!i fell flat on my face during a hurt!! my feet and my ego!
then again times when we played "truth or dare" gave me sum embarrasing moments!...
but incidently my most embarassing moment is also my most memorable and romantic moment...and i wrote this in sum other blog's comment section too...
this was when i wz in school and had gone wid frenz to watch a movie (it was a sick movie!) and a guy i knew well got down on his knees (there in the middle of the movie theatre) and sang...a song...for me!...everyone forgot the movie! and i was like..."sshh!! sshh!! stopp!!" face was red and i just wanted to disappear!...lolz...
did the story have a happy ending? welll for sumtime it did!
ishipishi, at 7:11 AM
jackyyy ...loll
southy ... ROTFL ...
i cant stop laffing at u too .....lolll
hmm mine na .. lemme tell u ...loll
i was in the recruitment business ..
ok here is quite an embaraasing suff...
a candidate whom i knew quite well ... i was getting in touch with him ... it was abt 11 am i called him ... i asked him if he was interested in a position .. he was sounding sleepy i asked him can i call u bk later ....
then he replies ..helloo i got married last night ..
(i guess that answered the Q ..lolll )
am like oopppsss sorry
n i hung the fone... THADDD
loll after that day i never spoke with him ... hahhaha
i think i have quite some of embarassing moments ...lollll
one more .. my bosss was asking me about organogram ( organisation chart).. n in return i told arrey we did that orgasm .. i was like WTF i spoke .. i rushed out of the cabin with total embarassement...
ok now dont laff so much .. i still feel embarassed...lolll
uttara, at 5:12 AM
lol.. thts was funny.. embarrassing for u of course :D
hmm.. i'm trying to think.. there hv been some, but i can't pick any one fact there have been so many times in school especially when i'v just bcom tongue tied.. esp in front of a guy i had a crush on, and i used to feel so dumb and embarrassed later on..
oh i just remembred a recent one.. alot of guys from my class were playing cricket, i was there too n then i jsut joined them for the heck of it.. played my first shot.. hit the ball and ran.. andddddddd fell flat on my back!!in front of sooooo many god i've never played cricket after tht
Neha, at 8:52 AM
yes yes.......the gals keep falling over :) .........n tht song too mucchh the gu had some courage to do tht...btw which song was tht.....
tht's like me.......
got married last night....hmmm but y did not u talk to him after tht : )
.......n the second one....u know wht ur 2 3 4 5 6 muccchhhhhh hahaha
uff neha u shud have cont playing.....falling is part of the game even the best in the business keep falling .....but i know it can be embarrassing may be more so coz u doing it the first time ......
Jackal, at 12:32 PM
hi jackal..thank you for dropping by my blog :) i was a prague for my vacation! a really good one :) i'm not going to any F1 races this year.
your golf experience..well, the first time i didn't hit it either. everyone was laughing at me..but oh well!
i took lessons and i'm better at it now. golf is quite challenging.
will see u around!
Dalicia, at 6:02 PM
Hey ,
I had a similar experience with Golf-took me n number of attempts to even connect the club to the ball!;-)
and worse bit is that right next to me was this little 5 yr old girl playing gold like a pro!..tchh!
Ekta, at 9:05 PM
hey ....
i have so many embarrassing moments too ... far too many infact ...
i have never tried golf !
~*. D E E P A .* ~, at 3:08 AM
i have fallen down right in front of a couple of neighbors .. man ...they wouldnt stop talking about it ... not even now .. after so many years !
~*. D E E P A .* ~, at 3:10 AM
AAh embarrasing moments...Lots.Here's a funny one to share
While in college, me and my girlfriend were walking out of a class. I was a fast walker and a few steps ahead of her. I wanted to grab her hand and pull her to walk fast with me. Without turning my head in the back, I pulled a hand into mine and started walking and talking even w/o looking at the face whose hand I had held. After almost getting away from t eh college premises, a voice tells me 'excuse me' and turn towards a face which looked like that of a guy. My girlfriend was nowhere at the sight, I was totally embarrased to have pulled some stranger and not even glance at him. :P
Dewdrop, at 9:12 AM
LOL... u know J i am very bad at any game on this earth.. cant play a game to save my life :)
U just gave me a new idea for a post :) will write my Em BARE Assing incident there :)
Kusum Rohra, at 11:22 PM
u seem to have forgotten all abt my blog!...lolz..
the song went like this...
"if i got down on my knees wen m here wid u...if i climbed d highest mountain just 2 b wid u...wld u ever let me down?...etc etc...because i luv u!!"....
ishipishi, at 2:05 AM
prague hmm never been there but i know its really nice....... am not the only one at those golf mishits : ).....thnx..we will keep in touch........
u too hahah......
deeps i know that can be awkward n embarassing..........
ur too mucch.......i think til now u have cum with the best one....wht did tht guy have to say : )
......em bare assing . ) will look fwd to tht one ........
sssshhhh dont say like can i forget...just got a lil tied fact i am coming over to delhi.....dont know if wud be able to ho arnd.....for next 10 days.....
.....tht song was really sweet.....u must have felt reallly spl tht day : )
Jackal, at 11:45 AM
Ok ..
i am like sooooo v late..
and i know smbdy is clenching his teeth and flenching his butcher,DOE EYED MOI(flutters her lashes.innocently:0((((
lol funny incidents..ahem @
what to hide you know how guys always want to put there best foot forward in front of the other :)
ok i hav gt soo many tht if i start will b like as aliens hav takenover earth..i will b taking over ur blog:00)
anyways let me share sm..
i normally dont like walking in the house..worlds a stage..and mes the great opera 1 day i ws cming down frm the stairs..and then true ballerina shtyle i turned and bowed to the queen..but chh chh..there ws no queen there..infact rather there were 6 guys..all my bros friends..sitting there yeah nt 2 frget with there mouths open..(they could have choked with all the machars and makhis landing inside there mouths)..with a zonked expression on there face..i couldnt believe my luck i ws starring in 2 so many nightmares at the same time:P
and there ws also 1 fefnir the monster..yeah rightly bro..he ws hushing and puffing like 1..and ws about to kill 1 braveheart i-e yours trully( i ranaway as if no tommorrow ever gonna cm...and i started praying fr 100 nafals together..(in the normal life..offering 2 are difficult at times..2 save my self frm bros wrath..
another incident ws..
i went 2 this shopping area..and menaged to ge stuck in the i screamed and screamed..(im claustrophobic s well)so the maintainance guys came and menaged to open the lift,stuck half way inbetween.the menager ws standing on the ladder..and it ws atleast 10 feet he asked me if he holds me in his arms and get me down..(being such a conservative ..i refused NO..
thn he ws..ok u put ur feet on my shoulders and thn try to cm out..again..i said NO..he ws like soo bugged off..he taunted..THN JUMP LADY..and yeah i juumped:(
not to mention ..after tht my back and above all my EGO N PRIDE were in tatters..i ws the centre of attention fr all the ppl in the store..sitting in the vegetable section :(
sebia, at 12:16 PM
tring tring!!!
new post plz...hehe
how many time i have to be embarass wtih the situation...lolzz
btw...u got ma reply or not?
take care tufail
Unknown, at 4:58 PM
it was !
~*. D E E P A .* ~, at 8:28 PM
hehee...yea, came back!!
I remembered this as holi is approaching, last year, on holi, me and all my frnds were playing holi in coll...there was this guy i had a crush on...i decided i will play holi wid him too:) here i go all armed with a mug filled with the most dirty colors:)...all happy to throw colored water at him(1st approach)...well wat do u knw!!! I was so thrilled wid this idea that i literally threw d whole mug at him...the colors went flying elsewhere and d mug hit him soooo hard he was actually yelling in pain:(...and d whole coll was watching this!!! gosh!!! i wanted to go invisible at tht time!!
also d same day, i rem trubling another frnd with sada hua annda...while he was completely unarmed!!...hehehe...then while i was unarmed and chirping elsewhere he threw a hug sada hua tomato at me...luckily(or so i thto at tht time)i saw it coming and tried to escape it, and while i was running frm him, i fell on my ass!!...bad fall:('s not so nice to fall so ungracefully in front of every1!!!...worst was after that every1 took their turns and smashed sade hua annde on my head!!
teacup, at 9:39 PM
yess soo late.....but ur long comment n all the trouble u took writing tht this time i let u go but next time : (.......
so tht's how u treat the guest at ur house.....ballerina act....nice indeed.......who picked u up after those 100 nafal's...must have collapsed byt the end : )
....if i was tht guy i wud have dived and cuaght u when u jumped : )..ego n pride in tatters hahaha
hmmm al rt niti as u say........
one more hiting the ground......poor guy ..i know i wont be ny where near u at least on holi.........n sade hue ande......yuccckkk i wud throw up i can't stand egss n sada hua no way.......
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