Take it easy Doc's
I was shocked to see the junior Doctors at GTBS Hospital at Delhi partying within the Hospital premises …in the open…right next to one of the patient wards…...music blaring at full blast and dancing away, part of their annual festival. I don’t have any problem with the partying, but dancing on the head of all those 100’s of patients is really appalling. I know for you Doctors to see people dying, lying in pain is just a job, but please spare a thought for those struggling for their lives, those grieving relatives who may have just lost a dear one, for those anxious people who are looking helplessly at their dear ones gasping for their last breath. Common guys be a little sensitive to others feelings just be a little more human. I am sure that loud music caused a lot of discomfort to many patients. It was sickening to just watch the event on television.
I am also surprised that no one came forward to stop this event. You see signs near all hospitals refraining people from blowing horns. There is a Supreme Court order too, which restrains use of loud speakers after 10 PM. And here is a party which continued almost all through the night and in the very heart of Delhi and yet nothing was done.
lol how funny is this...I mean how stupid! Do they call themselves docs or selfish n inconsiderate losers? DO they even know that it takes much more than a white-coat and stethoscope to become a real doc? goshh talk abt docs with no sense!
Keshi, at 7:14 PM
how disgusting.....
how can one e so insensible.....they are docs they shud party but cant they jus do it somewhere else..anywhere else....i think hospital administration shud take an action against them
Harashita R. R. Bajaj, at 10:45 PM
And these are the people we trust to save our lives when they dont even care about us!?
Ekta, at 12:17 AM
Looks like nobody cares anymore & none out there to share the sorrows. Actually forget sharing, atleast they shdn't be rubbing salt into the wound.
Has to be me, at 12:22 AM
ohh...i thot such parties wld be near the hostel side which isn't near the main hospital complex...strange that they cld be so thotless and have this next to patient wards...
wen i visited the hospital, the hostels...for students....nurses..and residential complexes were away from the main hospi...had my cousin working there for sumtime...
ishipishi, at 4:55 AM
this really happened?? god!! how insensitive and inconsiderate can ppl get??and docs??? and this was shown on tv? and still noone did anything??
I know I am asking too many q's but I am just a lil shocked!!!
teacup, at 6:29 AM
really? thts strange.. and v callous of them.. to do so.we people put docs at such a high pedestal.. expect them to behave in a more mature way..
Neha, at 10:20 AM
seriously .. itz totally inconsiderate ... dont they feel it too ? itz so damn sad ...
and , btw , the pics are from the corbett park , na ? i too wanna go there once :(
~*. D E E P A .* ~, at 8:49 PM
they maybe academic, but they lack common sense. i'm sure there are few good doctors that cares a lot about their patients. VERY FEW. doctors have such BIG EGOS that they don't even want to listen to their own patients.
Dalicia, at 10:31 PM
may god bless those people in the ward!
Dalicia, at 10:31 PM
Disgusting, considering that these should be the people most tuned to the patients pain.
Kusum Rohra, at 4:18 AM
they dint get a better place to enjoy????? ...GOOD ...
i wish it gets bk to them 1 day ...loll
insane guys man ...
hows u jackyy???
uttara, at 4:26 AM
Its seemed funny..funny coz how ppl can be soo stupid......
yes action shud be taken.....i heard its been happening earlier too...
trust them to just worry abt money....
Jackal, at 10:55 AM
has to be me:
sorrow....at some hospitals they have refused to hand over dead body..pay up the dues first n then....uff
welcum to my place.....
yes it was rt next to the patients ward..an dbe i nay places within the premises..is hospital a place to party.....and tht too in open at night......
yes it did...'insensitive'.. yess......yes was shown on tv....health minister of delhi..has promised to set up a committee :)) another idiot.....
Jackal, at 11:01 AM
strange na.....
yes the Minister as usual has promised to set up a Committee :(((
yes Deeps the pics are indeed frm there....'want to go there' u must....
Jackal, at 11:06 AM
the good doctors are a rare breed in this country....
thnx .......yes tht was indeed my work.....'the jackal grin'..i have saved it for u :))
yeah rt..they know excatly what goes on there and yet......
'i wish to get back at them'.....hmm i have an idea if u help we...catch them and give each of them a shot on their bums......thick needle..the kind one wud use for donkeys :)) wht say.....
Jackal, at 11:12 AM
i am good how are u doing....
Jackal, at 11:20 AM
oh!that's too bad.
I,too,have seen annoying buggers like that in hospital wards.problem is they keep entrance exams and pick out only based on intelligence..no one ever looks into whether the individual is the type who would care of tend to the patient in future
Scoot, at 3:53 PM
Nobody from the relatives of those patient's objected about the loud music and all?
Anonymous, at 7:09 PM
**Its seemed funny..funny coz how ppl can be soo stupid......
yep...my laughter was in frustration :)
ppl can be so dumb I'll tell ya!
Keshi, at 8:27 PM
hahahah ..
that was a nice 1 jackal ..
a pointed needle on their bum ..LMAO ... HAHAHHAHAHAHHA
am good .. have a nice day .. got something for u at my blog ;)
uttara, at 11:32 PM
'dont be too hard' why not ??
wow ur soo rt..yes besides just mugging up ability they shud see if the person is fit to take on the responsiblity
who can say anything to tht whole lot of doc sahebs......
Jackal, at 1:10 PM
yes keshi....n u had to see those ppl dancing.....as if it was the last night of their life....
thnxxx i did......now u back n see....tcc hugzzzzzzz
Jackal, at 1:12 PM
yes and that is something they do not teach in medical college,sadly
Scoot, at 3:43 PM
Well am not surprised..
Some of the docs u see these days...hardly bother to even listen to your problems before prescribing tonnes of tests to make their share of money!
Whatever happened to the so-called nobel profession?
Anand, at 7:18 PM
Partying like animals by the resident doctors, chatting and msg on cell phones by the attendents and the junior doctors inside the iccu irrespective of the effects of the cell phone signals on some of the instruments inside,selling certain drugs from the in-house store to the thugs, nurses giving competition to the bonafied whores,M.O taking bribe for speedy handing over the dead bodies from the morgue....these things have become a regular sight in most of the hospitals in the metro cities in india.
Sunita, at 8:43 PM
**as if it was the last night of their life....
LOL! Wud have been their LAST if I was ard...
Keshi, at 9:17 PM
yup yup yup
~*. D E E P A .* ~, at 2:18 AM
how abt also having a course on how to be a better human being......
welcum.......absolutely rt...almost all of them take cuts frm the labs.....
yes it happens.....happens not only in metros but all over....i think u will need a separate post on wht all goes on in these hospitals.....tcc
wu dbe their last if ws arnd....yes i know keshi wht u wud do :)
Jackal, at 12:33 PM
lol u know me too well :)
What's ur email mate?
Keshi, at 8:41 PM
Hmmmmm... sounds bad. Doesn't sound good at all.
Queen Bee, at 3:28 AM
hey new posssssssstttttt
now i dont wanna write thesis on those *ss**** docs...
have a nice weekend ..:)
uttara, at 9:08 AM
Weird. Somehow, you'd expect even your ordinary illiterate layman to know such things. And doctors didn't? Surprising. And yet, not so much so. Now that I've seen too many callous ones all around.
The Individualist, at 11:01 AM
actually yes may be some ppl went a lil beyond ....this was just abt tht dancing thing.....other things require a new post .....
;)) well u can have it from my site i will enable tht....
Queen Bee:
yes it was ......
new post well its there..got delayed as there is no power these days :( the whole state is in darkness....
ur dead right.....
Jackal, at 11:06 AM
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