This one is inspired by Keshi’s last post, ‘whispers of veil’ rather by the comments left there, I could have had my say in the comments there but then hardly any one else would have read that. I think the people in their comments went way beyond the ambit of the post. Should women be forced to wear a veil….nooooo but it did not end there. Some comments where sensible, intelligent and some based on ignorance, disgusting, the kind of people whoz views are limited and blinded by western media.
Do actions of a small minority necessarily represent Islam…absolutely not. The problem discussed isn’t even so wide spread, yes it does happen in some middle east countries but hardly beyond that. Why only the veil, there are so many ills in those countries, the Monarchies would have long gone too, but for the continued support of the US, which works overtime to keep its Oil needs secure, so much for freedom and democracy.
Suddenly people are taking so much interest into what happens within Islam and a lot focusing around women. Give us a break, a big majority of them are happy by there condition. They are not in bondage, as they are all thought to be in, many of them are working and lead respectable lives. There are few women from other religions who are happily married in our family, who have accepted Islam and I have never heard anyone complain. Not to say that there are no problems in the society but they have nothing to do with religion, I think the Hindu women face a lot of problems too. Its more due to the situations people are in, the kind of environment in which we exist.
How about West, is everything really as good as it is made out to be, I don’t think so, not according to my standards, I think in lot of ways there condition is far worse than women in India. I don’t know how people see wife bashing, which is so widespread, teen sex, unwed mothers. How many in India would not be bothered if there teen sister/daughter was sleeping around, how many would not be jolted if there 16 yr old came and said mom I am pregnant. Last night happened to be watching Trends(fashion channel), walks in this Model in a bikini, un straps the bra I thought she wud just hold it there but she flung the bra on the ramp and did a lil jig is that the right thing, may be for her but not for me. The gal (in USA) who asked me if I would come to a nude party by the pool, where is it going to end??? The two extremes, the veil and the bare all, now what is right and what isn’t who decides???
As far as treatment of women within Islam, it was the first religion which came down heavily on child infanticide, which was rampant during those days, especially when the child was a girl. Somehow it still persists, you can read my post ‘mummy I want to live’. The Prophet himself married a widow, something which was a big taboo even in India, as late as last century and in some places even now they aren’t respected, watch Deepa Mehta’s film ‘Water’.
Some one talked about Modernism, for him some how wearing skimpy clothes is kind of being Modern, how ridiculous. Does wearing a bikini make a gal more modern than one wearing a traditional dress. I think modernism is much more than that. I consider my Grandfather a truly Modern man, though he was very religious, but he recognized the need for good education, he sent his children to school. In a place/community where no one had ever gone to one, no one gave a shit to education, but he sent his children to a boarding school, people laughed at him, ridiculed him but now every one admits to how he changed lives of people of that town and almost every kid goes to a school.
Clothes, wear whatever you are comfortable with, but why impose your likes/dislikes on to others, why judge people by your standards. People are different and have different values, and they should be respected by others. The society in India for example, isn’t mature enough to allow people to do whatever they want. So people have to follow certain rules of the society they live in. More over in different parts the line is at different places. Wear a short skirt in Mumbai or Delhi and one may not raise too many eyebrows, but come to a small town in your short skirt and you will become like a Pied Piper, with droves of people looking at those beautiful legs, go to a village and wear a bikini, within minutes the entire population would be there…… most people have to play according to the rules irrespective of their religious beliefs. Yes people rebel every now and then, Protima Bedi running naked on the beach but these are just a handful of people.
So people live according to their culture, their customs, their religion and no one should pass sweeping judgments on one another. I don’t think there is one right path for everyone, just let people choose the path they want, lets respect people for what they are, instead of trying to mould them the way we want them to be.